Colm Lauder Secretary General of Yepp

colm lauder
Colm Lauder is Secretary General of the Youth of the European People’s Party
colm lauder
Colm Lauder is Secretary General of the Youth of the European People’s Party

There is a very good news for Young Fine Gael, the youth organization of Fine Gael. Colm Lauder, a Young Fine Gael representative, has been elected Secretary General of the Youth of the European People’s Party. Lauder has been elected during the conference of May in Sofia, Bulgaria. YEPP is the youth wing of the European People’s Party and EPP is the largest pan-European political grouping. Irish Minister for European Affairs and Vice President of the European People’s Party said about this election and about YEPP «YEPP has played a highly influential role in the EU over the last 15 years. Holding a senior seat on the board is crucial to Irish interests, particularly considering YEPP’s efforts in tackling issues such as youth unemployment, a real priority for the Irish government. YEPP has been an important ally of Fine Gael in gaining support for Irish issues and goals». Also YFG President, Patrick Molloy is very happy with this news «Securing this senior seat on the YEPP board will be of enormous benefit to Ireland, to Fine Gael and to YFG. It will allow unprecedented access to leading European politicians which is crucial for securing and defending Ireland’s interests». Fine Gael underlines the importance of YEPP «YEPP has been influential in EU policy over the last two years, as the organization responsible for the European Parliament’s policy on Basel III and on Youth Entrepreneurship. Also YEPP has had success in preventing cuts to funding of the ERASMUS university exchange programme» Finally Fine Gael underlines the work that Lauder has done in YEPP in Irish interests «Colm Lauder has led YEPP’s lobbying of EU governments against the proposed Financial Transaction Tax, stressing the importance of Ireland’s financial services industry».